Windows - Linux Single Sign On mit OpenAFS

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Single Sign On für Unix / Windows mit Active Directory und OpenAFS

Einrichten Linux für Kerberos/Ldap Authentisierung am AD

Ldap Konfiguration

  • NICHT Windows Server 2003 R2 und höher: Installation MS Services for Unix auf dem AD Controller (NIS aktivieren!)
  • Jetzt bei den Benutzern unter "Unix Atributes", eine UID, Home und Loginshell zuweisen
  • Zusätzlichen Benutzer im AD anlegen, ohne Berechtigungen, ausser browsen im AD (SearchUser)
  • Installation nss_ldap auf Linuxserver
  • Anpassen /etc/ldap.conf
# Ldap mit SSL ist immer gerne gesehen
uri ldaps://ad1.test.dom
ssl  yes
tls_cacertdir /var/lib/ldap/cacerts

base OU=Users,DC=test,DC=dom
binddn CN=SearchUser,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=dom
bindpw ba11aba||a

# Services for UNIX 3.5 mappings
nss_map_objectclass posixAccount User
nss_map_objectclass shadowAccount User
nss_map_attribute uid sAMAccountName
nss_map_attribute uidNumber msSFU30UidNumber
nss_map_attribute gidNumber msSFU30GidNumber
nss_map_attribute loginShell msSFU30LoginShell
nss_map_attribute homeDirectory msSFU30HomeDirectory
nss_map_attribute cn msSFU30Name
pam_login_attribute sAMAccountName
pam_filter objectclass=User

Achtung: Bei Windows Server 2008 sind die NSS Mappings etwas anders!

# Services for UNIX AD 2008 mappings
nss_map_objectclass posixAccount User
nss_map_objectclass shadowAccount User
nss_map_attribute uid msSFU30Name
nss_map_attribute uniqueMember msSFU30PosixMember
nss_map_attribute userPassword unixUserPassword
nss_map_attribute homeDirectory unixHomeDirectory
nss_map_objectclass posixGroup Group
pam_login_attribute msSFU30Name
pam_filter objectclass=User
pam_password ad
  • Anpassen /etc/nsswitch.conf:
passwd:     files ldap
  • Testen ob AD Benutzer auflösbar sind
[root@mtagfile01] ~# getent passwd
<AD Benutzer mit Unix Attributen sollten am Ende angezeigt werden>

Kerberos 5 Konfiguration

  • /etc/krb5.conf
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log

 default_realm = TEST.DOM
 dns_lookup_realm = true
 dns_lookup_kdc = true
 ticket_lifetime = 24h
 forwardable = yes

   kdc =
   kdc = ad2.test.dom
   admin_server = ad1.test.dom
   default_domain = test.dom

  .test.dom = TEST.DOM
  test.dom = TEST.DOM

  pam = {
    debug = false
    ticket_lifetime = 36000
    renew_lifetime = 36000
    forwardable = true
    krb4_convert = false
  • Testen, ob man ein Kerberos Ticket bekommt
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# kinit Administrator
Password for Administrator@TEST.DOM:

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: Administrator@TEST.DOM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
12/09/08 19:31:38  12/10/08 05:35:00  krbtgt/TEST.DOM@TEST.DOM
        renew until 12/10/08 19:31:38

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached

PAM Konfiguration

Unter Centos/RHEL

  • Zusammenführen der Ldap/Kerberos5 Authentisierung mittels PAM
[root@afs.test.dom] ~#  authconfig --enablekrb5 --enableldap --update
  • /etc/pam.d/system-auth (RedHat) sieht dann wie folgt aus:
# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
auth        required
auth        sufficient nullok try_first_pass
auth        requisite uid >= 500 quiet
auth        sufficient use_first_pass
auth        required

account     required broken_shadow
account     sufficient uid < 500 quiet
account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
account     required

password    requisite try_first_pass retry=3
password    sufficient md5 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok
password    sufficient use_authtok
password    required

session     optional revoke
session     required
session     [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond quiet use_uid
session     required
session     optional

Unter Ubuntu/Debian


account sufficient
account sufficient
account required


auth    sufficient nullok_secure
auth    sufficient use_first_pass
auth    required


password  sufficient nullok obscure md5
password  sufficient use_first_pass
password  required


session optional
session optional


Installation OpenAFS (test.dom)

Active Directory für AFS vorbereiten

  • Anlegen eines neuen Benutzers im AD
    • Username: afs
    • DES Verschlüsselung unter Kontooptionen wählen
  • Mappen des AFS Servicenamen an den afs Benutzer
C:\>ktpass /princ afs/test.dom@TEST.DOM /mapuser afs@TEST.DOM /crypto DES-CBC-CRC /DesOnly /pass * 
Targeting domain controller: ad1.test.dom
Successfully mapped afs/test.dom to afs.
Type the password for afs/test.dom: <Passwort vergeben und merken>
Type the password again to confirm:
WARNING: pType and account type do not match. This might cause  problems. <egal>
Key created.
Account afs has been set for DES-only encryption.

C:\>setspn -A afs/test.dom afs
  • Zum Schluß noch das Passwort des AD Users afs auf das gleiche Passwort setzen, das bei ktpass vergeben wurde

AFS Key auf dem Server erstellen

  • KVNO ermitteln
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# kinit Administrator
Password for Administrator@TEST.DOM: 

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# kvno afs@TEST.DOM
afs@TEST.DOM: kvno = 9

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# ktutil
ktutil:  add_entry -password -p afs/test.dom -k 9 -e des-cbc-crc
Password for afs/test.dom@TEST.DOM: <hier wieder selbiges Passwort!!>
ktutil:  wkt afs.keyfile
ktutil:  quit

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# klist -k -t afs.keyfile
Keytab name: FILE:afs.keyfile
KVNO Timestamp         Principal
---- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------
  9 12/09/08 16:54:49 afs/test.dom@TEST.DOM

Openafs kompilieren und installieren

  • Serverpartition anlegen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# mkdir /vicepa
  • Kompilieren und installieren
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# tar -zxf openafs-<version>.tar.gz

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# cd openafs-<version>

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/openafs \
                        --with-krb5 \
                        --with-linux-kernel-headers=/usr/src/[kernels]/$(uname -r) \
                        --with-afs-sysname=[i386|amd64 ]_linux26 \
                        --enable-supergroups \
                        --enable-namei-fileserver \
                        KRB5LIBS="-lkrb5 -lcrypto"

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# make && make install

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# export PATH=/opt/openafs/bin:/opt/openafs/sbin:$PATH

Server konfigurieren

  • Bosserver im Initialisierungsmodus starten
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# /opt/openafs/bin/bosserver -noauth &
  • Setzen des Zellennamens
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos setcellname afs.test.dom test.dom -noauth
  • Protection- und Volumelocationserver installieren
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos create afs.test.dom ptserver /opt/openafs/libexec/openafs/ptserver -noauth

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos create afs.test.dom vlserver /opt/openafs/libexec/openafs/vlserver -noauth
  • Zellsicherheit konfigurieren
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# cd /home/root

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# asetkey add 9 afs.keyfile afs/test.dom
  • Prüfen ob alles geklappt hat
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# asetkey list
kvno    9: key is: 3e3b40206e7a0b07
All done.

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos listkeys afs.test.dom
key 9 has cksum 1199498477
Keys last changed on Tue Dec  9 17:28:03 2008.
All done.

Adminuser anlegen

Hinweis: Namen müssen identisch der AD Benutzer sein!

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# pts createuser Administrator -noauth
  • Administrator in die Gruppe der AFS Administratoren aufnehmen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# pts adduser Administrator system:administrators -noauth

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# pts membership Administrator
Groups Administrator (id: 1) is a member of:
  • Administrator zu den Serveradmins hinzufügen
 [root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos adduser afs.test.dom Administrator -noauth
  • Server restarten um den neuen Key zu verwenden
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos restart afs.test.dom -all -noauth

Fileservices einrichten

  • File-, Volumeserver und Salvager anlegen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos create afs.test.dom fs fs /opt/openafs/libexec/fileserver \
                       /opt/openafs/libexec/volserver /opt/openafs/libexec/salvager  \
  • Anlegen des AFS-Root Volumes
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# vos create afs.test.dom /vicepa root.afs -noauth

Clientseite einrichten

  • Zelleninformationen vom Server übernehmen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# cp /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/server/CellServDB /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# cp /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/server/ThisCell /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/
  • Cache konfigurieren
  • /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/cacheinfo:
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# mkdir /opt/openafs/cache

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# mkdir /afs

Installation fertigstellen

  • Bosserver stoppen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# bos shutdown afs.test.dom -wait

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# ps aux | grep bosserver

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# kill <pid vom bosserver>
  • Starten von Client und Server
/etc/init.d/afsd start
  • Anmelden am AFS
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# kinit Administrator
Password for Administrator@TEST.DOM:

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# aklog
  • Prüfen, ob alles geklappt hat
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for afs@test.dom [Expires Dec 10 03:43]
  --End of list--

Filesysteme anlegen

  • ACL auf /afs für jeden lesbar machen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl
  • Top Level Volume anlegen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# vos create afs.test.dom /vicepa root.cell
  • Volume ReadOnly mounten und für alle lesbar machen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# fs mkmount /afs/test.dom  root.cell

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# fs setacl /afs/test.dom system:anyuser rl
  • Gleiches Volume nocheinmal Read/Write mounten
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# fs mkmount /afs/.cellname root.cell -rw
  • Replicas auf gleichem Server anlegen
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# vos addsite afs.test.dom /vicepa root.afs

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# vos addsite afs.test.dom /vicepa root.cell
  • Volumes replizieren
[root@afs.test.dom ~]# vos release root.afs

[root@afs.test.dom ~]# vos release root.cell

Weiterführende Doku zum Thema OpenAFS.

Konfiguration OpenAFS Clients unter Active Directory

Konfiguration Windows Clients

Konfiguration Linux Clients

Konfiguration Samba unter Active Directory


        workgroup = TESTWIN
        server string = Samba Server Version %v
        netbios name = SONNE
        # logs split per machine
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        # max 50KB per log file, then rotate
        max log size = 50
        log level = 10 

        security = ads
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        realm = TESTWIN.INT
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        password server = win2k8.testwin

# ACLS #
        map acl inherit = yes
        nt acl support = yes 

        comment = Home Directories
        browseable = no
        writable = yes 

#       comment = All Printers
#       path = /var/spool/samba
#       browseable = no
#       guest ok = no
#       writable = no
#       printable = yes

;       comment = Network Logon Service
;       path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
;       guest ok = yes
;       writable = no
;       share modes = no 

;       path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
;       browseable = no
;       guest ok = yes 

        comment = Datengrab
        path = /data/
        read only = No
        acl check permissions = False
        vfs object = recycle
        recycle:repository = .recycle/%U
        recycle:keeptree = Yes
        recycle:touch = Yes
        recycle:versions = Yes
        recycle:maxsixe = 0
        recycle:exclude = *.tmp
        recycle:exclude_dir = /tmp
        recycle:noversions = *.doc
Meine Werkzeuge